He is literally, one of my favorite people in the world! I am lucky he was sent here for work and we get to have tonight and tomorrow together! I am so excited to pick him up today after work!
Just received the Mini Boden catalogue and I wish my nearly 40 year old persona could sport these happy clothes. Too bad these fun frocks don't come in big girl sizes. Though I am not so sure I could pull off these looks in the office, or in public for that matter! I also love the photos in this catalogue. A few of my favs...
While these are neither serendipities or curiosities, they were a very good purchase. $10.50 for the three and made in Portugal. Yea for Portuguese birdies. Jolly Good Clu.
Imagine queuing for this bag only to hear they are sold out! It is true. These bags are all the rage in the U.K. Personally, I prefer the U.S. version in navy blue. Whichever the color... great bag - great cause. Mockingbird is trying to her hands on one without queuing!
I found this great ribbon box at Target this weekend. I should have bought two, I didn't realize the magnatiude of my ribbon collection until I started loading it up. -Magpie
The last and final gift of my Birthday week. A large turquoise crackle glazed platter and two really cute kitchen towels. I didn't get to photograph it since I got it over Breakfast this morning. Thanks Mockingbird for the best Birthday week ever!
Main Entry: ser·en·dip·i·ty Pronunciation: -'di-p&-tE Function: noun Etymology: from its possession by the heroes of the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip : the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; also : an instance of this
Main Entry: cu·ri·os·i·ty Pronunciation: "kyur-E-'รค-s(&-)tE Function: nounInflected Form(s): plural -ties 1 : desire to know: a : inquisitive interest in others' concerns : NOSINESS b : interest leading to inquiry 2 archaic : undue nicety or fastidiousness3 a : one that arouses interest especially for uncommon or exotic characteristics b : an unusual knickknack : CURIO c : a curious trait or aspect