Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Magpie's Co-pilot

Friday, August 24, 2007
Magpie's New Mat
SCORE! I have been looking at this mat at Williams-Sonoma for so long, but it was too expensive. Well, Mockingbird told me it was on sale and I got myself two of them for less than the original price of one! If there is one thing I love more than pink, it is finding something pink on sale. My feet are going to thank me later when they are standing in front of the sink on this cushy pink mat.

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Cutest Cupcake

Today, when Martha emailed me, she sent me a link to her site and let me peak at the cutest cupcakes photo album.
From the mouth of a baby bird...
Dear Uncle (Name removed to protect pricvacey ;) ),
I think every thingin my life is pefect.I mean I have family and I have
friends and I have cat's and a
puppy.Do you know what relly,relly,relly makes me mad ?People who where fur
I mean people eat tofu so they won't kill pet's and make fur coats.I just
love pet's so much
you know what I mean if some body killed dassie and zous just to make a fur
coat wouidn't
you be mad?I mean animals are just so beautiful like dogs ,cats and horses
they are all
Love (Name removed to protect this Baby Bird's privacy)
I think every thingin my life is pefect.I mean I have family and I have
friends and I have cat's and a
puppy.Do you know what relly,relly,relly makes me mad ?People who where fur
I mean people eat tofu so they won't kill pet's and make fur coats.I just
love pet's so much
you know what I mean if some body killed dassie and zous just to make a fur
coat wouidn't
you be mad?I mean animals are just so beautiful like dogs ,cats and horses
they are all
Love (Name removed to protect this Baby Bird's privacy)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Magpie's Energizer
WOW! Nothing usually keeps me up, but I was up until 2:30 AM this morning shaking my leg because I had a lethal dose of iced Vietnamese Coffee last night. It has NEVER done this to me before. Maybe I need to start drinking it in the morning, what a concept!

Friday, August 17, 2007
I break for Lemonade stands...
I know the scene, you are planning your escape route to circumvent the kids outside your local grocery store. They are selling raffle tickets, car wash credits and candy bars, but you don't want to be bothered; stop and think. Your dollars may not be saving a life in Darfur, but that raffle ticket might make it possible for a child to have a team jersey for their first soccer match, for a school to keep their music program, or for a young girl to march in a St. Patrick's Day Parade... in Ireland. In scene two you are driving by a lemonade stand thinking, "self, I how cute is that stand?" as the waving kids swish by you at 40 mph.
What to do? Make a difference in a kid's day. Paste an "I break for lemonade stands" bumper sticker over your "I break for garage sales" bumper sticker and make it a point to "break" at all lemonade stands. Take a minute to pull out your wallet and buy that $1 raffle ticket for the local swim team. Beyond the few dollars you spend for lip puckering lemonade or a raffle where the odds are against you, the kindness and interest you show a child gives them a little extra faith in humankind, in what must look like a very crazy adult world.

What to do? Make a difference in a kid's day. Paste an "I break for lemonade stands" bumper sticker over your "I break for garage sales" bumper sticker and make it a point to "break" at all lemonade stands. Take a minute to pull out your wallet and buy that $1 raffle ticket for the local swim team. Beyond the few dollars you spend for lip puckering lemonade or a raffle where the odds are against you, the kindness and interest you show a child gives them a little extra faith in humankind, in what must look like a very crazy adult world.

Martha's Craft Room

That would be a dream come true for me, for sure!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Dreaming of Organization
Magpie's Dream Desk Drawer (honestly, I am going to try and copy this)
Magpie's Real Desk Drawer (so embarrassing, but maybe that will make me organize it better - I am a Magpie, collector of "things", it is hard for me...I am serious. I will give it a shot, but if it doesn't feel good, I am back to my old ways. I will keep you all updated on my progress. Keep in mind, this is INSIDE the desk where no one can really see except me. Most importantly, I know where everything is.)

Which Mrs. Astor?
First, let me apologize for this lengthy post. I really like to post my observations and let the mind wander. However, this post requires the following narrative.
Mrs. Astor died on Monday at the age of 105. While this may have passed most people by, Mockingbird had to pause and reflect. Not only because of Brooke Astor's philanthropic heart, but because she reminds me of Rosebud. Rosebud was my grandmother who was indescribable! Beyond her untouchable creative spirit, she was know for saying outrageous things and used many funny maxims (some of which were hilarious malaprops). One of the things she used to say when she found someone snooty was, "Who does she thing she is, Mrs. Astor?" Which, brings me to the death of Brooke Astor and the reason for my post. There were actually two socialites named Mrs. Astor. Caroline reigned in the mid-1900's and Brooke reigned, well... until last Monday. Now I am wondering, to which Mrs. Astor was Rosebud referring? I am inclined to think it was Caroline because she was known as "The Mrs. Astor" and part of the Waldorf-Astoria dynasty, but I guess I will never know.
God's Peace Mrs. Brook Astor, Mrs. Caroline Astor and my beloved Rosebud.

Mrs. Astor died on Monday at the age of 105. While this may have passed most people by, Mockingbird had to pause and reflect. Not only because of Brooke Astor's philanthropic heart, but because she reminds me of Rosebud. Rosebud was my grandmother who was indescribable! Beyond her untouchable creative spirit, she was know for saying outrageous things and used many funny maxims (some of which were hilarious malaprops). One of the things she used to say when she found someone snooty was, "Who does she thing she is, Mrs. Astor?" Which, brings me to the death of Brooke Astor and the reason for my post. There were actually two socialites named Mrs. Astor. Caroline reigned in the mid-1900's and Brooke reigned, well... until last Monday. Now I am wondering, to which Mrs. Astor was Rosebud referring? I am inclined to think it was Caroline because she was known as "The Mrs. Astor" and part of the Waldorf-Astoria dynasty, but I guess I will never know.
God's Peace Mrs. Brook Astor, Mrs. Caroline Astor and my beloved Rosebud.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Big Dog
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Love this Color!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
From Beneath the Weeds
After 2 summers of total neglect in my backyard these beauty's have popped through the weeds. Good thing I got a photo before my landlord ripped them out!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Fabric Covered Boxes
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Magpie's New Bowl
Rusted Old Friend
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Get Wiggy With It!

In the words of Magpie, "If that isn't a serendipity, I don't know what is."
Just incase you would like purchasing informaton for your little one - http://www.babytoupee.com/
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Bad Hair Day?
Magpie would love to wear her hair pinned up in this hat on a bad hair day. Sort of like an impermanent Bernice Bobs Her Hair, Bob for a Day, Little LuLu, etc. However, I do not agree with the ponytail hanging out of the back, it makes it look like a mullet in a pony - a no no for this gal!

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