Mrs. Astor died on Monday at the age of 105. While this may have passed most people by, Mockingbird had to pause and reflect. Not only because of Brooke Astor's philanthropic heart, but because she reminds me of Rosebud. Rosebud was my grandmother who was indescribable! Beyond her untouchable creative spirit, she was know for saying outrageous things and used many funny maxims (some of which were hilarious malaprops). One of the things she used to say when she found someone snooty was, "Who does she thing she is, Mrs. Astor?" Which, brings me to the death of Brooke Astor and the reason for my post. There were actually two socialites named Mrs. Astor. Caroline reigned in the mid-1900's and Brooke reigned, well... until last Monday. Now I am wondering, to which Mrs. Astor was Rosebud referring? I am inclined to think it was Caroline because she was known as "The Mrs. Astor" and part of the Waldorf-Astoria dynasty, but I guess I will never know.
God's Peace Mrs. Brook Astor, Mrs. Caroline Astor and my beloved Rosebud.

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