Friday, August 17, 2007

I break for Lemonade stands...

I know the scene, you are planning your escape route to circumvent the kids outside your local grocery store. They are selling raffle tickets, car wash credits and candy bars, but you don't want to be bothered; stop and think. Your dollars may not be saving a life in Darfur, but that raffle ticket might make it possible for a child to have a team jersey for their first soccer match, for a school to keep their music program, or for a young girl to march in a St. Patrick's Day Parade... in Ireland. In scene two you are driving by a lemonade stand thinking, "self, I how cute is that stand?" as the waving kids swish by you at 40 mph.

What to do? Make a difference in a kid's day. Paste an "I break for lemonade stands" bumper sticker over your "I break for garage sales" bumper sticker and make it a point to "break" at all lemonade stands. Take a minute to pull out your wallet and buy that $1 raffle ticket for the local swim team. Beyond the few dollars you spend for lip puckering lemonade or a raffle where the odds are against you, the kindness and interest you show a child gives them a little extra faith in humankind, in what must look like a very crazy adult world.


The Maltese Kat said...

I couldn't agree more. For only a few minutes and a few pennies, you can make a kids day.

The Maltese Kat said...

Tim and I just had some pink lemonade from a stand down the street, had to share.